Saturday, January 18, 2003
Further reading on today?s posts
- Jon Udell: Scripting an interactive service intermediary: ?Gotta love that million-dollar markup!?
- Sam Ruby: ?Mark Pilgrim: Now, there is a way to specify permalinks in HTML, but virtually nobody uses it. Ok, I've updated my templates so that the preferred permalink is marked with a rel=bookmark.?
- tantek/log/2002/12: ?Mark Pilgrim's recent posts Million dollar markup and The tag soup of a new generation have saved me the time of writing up much the same. My summary of the points:?
- | Latest 5 blog entries: ?This new way of archiving has caused a stir in the weblogging community, but the idea isn't just a weblog novelty. It's a concept news Web sites should adopt and run with. Here's why that should happen:?
- - weblog: ?Everyone in the entire world is linking to Mark.?
- || technology and culture, from the trenches: ?Mark Pilgrim doesn't understand the point I was trying to make when I said he contradicted himself by being both a proponent of Semantic Markup and HTML. I'll try this again. The primary goal of Semantic Markup is that content in documents is associated with metadata (i.e. marked up) in a way that provides meaningful information about the content and does so in a way that is easily machine processable. This is the difference between <cite> and <i> or <b> and <strong> in [X]HTML. It should be highlighted that improving machine processability not human readability is the driving force behind the Semantic Web and Semantic Markup. For example, the aforementioned tags are indistinguishable to the eye when rendered in most browsers but not to programs that process such HTML documents.?
- PapaScott: Million Dollar Authoring App: ?I was at first confused by Mark Pilgrim's use of the cite tag, but now that he has clarified that he's not doing it "for the children", but rather just for himself, I can see the point. What I need is a million dollar authoring app so I can keep track of all those million dollar tags I can use. I don't think a two bit bookmarklet is up to the job.?
- Karma Universe: since 2000: ?Op Mark Pilgrim kwam ik een interessant weetje tegen: Bij permanente links (<a href>) hoort een rel="bookmark" attribuut. Dat wordt opnieuw templates aanpassen :)?
- Practical RDF: ?In his recent post, Mark Pilgrim writes that he is amazed, bordering on appalled because of reaction to his posting about the CITE tag. I was a bit surprised myself because the posting wasn't necessarily about revolutionary uses of technology. However, what Mark did do, in just a few words, was hit the hot spot in several debates: XML versus HTML, machine readability versus human readability, the semantic web, RDF, and any combination of these topics. And for the cherry to complete this semantic sundae, he threw in some code. If his post was fishing instead of writing, it would be equivalent to using five different fishing poles, each with a different lure. And did he come home with a catch.?
- Simon Fell > Its just code : Sunday, December 29, 2002: ?Million dollar markup Google applies their algorithms to millions of web pages for a single purpose: keyword search. I want to be able to reuse my own content in millions of ways, including things nobody has thought of yet. They need million-dollar code; I need million-dollar markup. (810 words) [dive into mark] Good stuff (as usual) from Mark, I particularly liked IE 5: the Netscape 4 of a new generation.?
- Cox Crow: ?I was reminded that I wanted to add rel="bookmark" to my template by Mark Pilgrim's latest wonder, which also introduced me to the ins tag.?
- Meatball Wiki: PaulMillar: ?Been reading DiveIntoMark? [1] and the recent posts on using HTML as part of the SemanticWeb rather than using XML. I know these posts are generally geared towards bloggers but surely that is seeing only the microcosm rather than the macrocosm of the web.?
- Traumwind - Friday 3rd January 2003: ?is another of those Pilgrims one should keep in mind, if only for the wealth of links that can be found in his further reading list...?
- Living Torah Journal: ?A pretty poor thing to start 2003 off with, I know. But I really don't like Internet Explorer. IE5 doesn't follow the standards (Mark Pilgrim called it the "Netscape 4 of a new generation"), and IE6 plays fast and loose with them.?
- JimSpot: ?I'm not sure about this discussion, but it seems Mark is doing some neat stuff with HTML code. It started with a post that he basically showed off with, Pushing the envelope.?
- Got Pineapple?: ?I've made a couple of changes here. I've added the link="bookmark" to all my permalinks. This gives those links an additional semantic meaning, telling interested user agents that this link is not just an ordinary link, it is a bookmark to something significant. See the rationale over at Dive Into Mark and Tantek, who both explain this stuff better than I'll ever be able to. I also wrapped each post in an id'ed DIV, as per Tantek's suggestion.?
- Erik's Weblog: ?Mark -- Million dollar markup.?
- digiboy | marcus: ?Mark Pilgrim: I am amazed, bordering on appalled, at the attention garnered by my use of the cite tag.?
- > ex machina: ?reading mark pilgrim's follow-up on his use of the "cite" tag makes me wish there was a bit of markup to signify a "blogbite":?
- mywhine | madonnalisa whines here: ?Also his notion of 'million-dollar-markup' extends to thinking about taxonomy project i think??
- MikeShea.Net: Web Portal of the Century!
- :: Concept : Forum ::: ?
- edazzle dot net: ?So the quest continues for a Semantic Web. Mark Pilgrim continues on teaching us how to use HTML 'semantically'. For me this is a step backwards. Why not create a specific XML language for blogger's with all these ideas in it? BML anyone? Unless it's all just a pipedream like the paperless office.?
- .Conforme: ?relire Mark Pilgrim, via Tantek Celik::, qui revisite:: l'élément HTML <cite></cite> (en français:: aussi grâce à Karl Dubost {mieux qu'une traduction, on y parle aussi de q.}) (c'est fou comme un post presque anodin [en fait il n'y a pas de post anodin chez Mark] agite le cocotier:: {comment utiliser <code>, comment, pourquoi reconnaître un lien permanent [déjà vu plus bas] et plein de choses sur la sémantique des balises HTML, de quoi encore améliorer mon éventail d'éléments pour un weblog plus sémantique. Oui, mais à quel prix. Çà va devenir complexe et compliqué ! Pas simple de simplifier la tache même avec du script.}), voir aussi la réponse:: point par point qui est faite à Dare Obasanjo::, le résumé de Tantek Celik:: et aussi la réponse:: de Shelley Powers, qui nous explique pourquoi l'utiliser : CITE provides context for the link Context provides meaning, and meaning is semantics. Works nicely. Mais aussi, ce que tout ceci a à voir avec RDF/XML :?
- Keith Devens .com - Weblog: ?Gotta remember to use rel = "bookmark" for my permalinks in the next revision of my weblog software. Via Mark.?
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